Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus on Saturday, January 25, returned home after wrapping up his four-day Switzerland visit to join the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in the Swiss city of Davos."A commercial flight of the Emirates airline carrying the chief adviser and his entourage members landed at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport at 5:07 pm (local time)," CA's Deputy Press Secretary Apurba Jahangir told BSS.Earlier, the flight departed the Zurich International Airport at 9:50 pm (local time) on Friday (January 24). Prof Yunus joined a total of 47 formal events during the WEF summit. He attended meetings with four heads of government or state, four minister level dignitaries, 10 heads or top executives of UN/similar organisation, 10 CEOs/high-level business persons, 9 WEF-organised programmes (Formal Dinner plus Lunch-04), 8 media engagements-08 and two other events.
Source: BSS